Personal Safety

Choosing the Right Personal Safety Alarm: A Comprehensive Guide

Personal Safety Alarm Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on choosing the right personal safety alarm! In a world where personal safety is a priority, having a reliable and effective alarm system can provide peace of mind and potentially save your life. Whether you are walking alone at night, jogging in secluded areas, or just want that extra layer of protection, a personal safety alarm can be a valuable tool.

In this guide, we will explore the benefits of personal safety alarms, the features of new-age alarms, and provide tips to help you select the most appropriate alarm for your needs. So let's dive in and empower ourselves with knowledge that can enhance our personal safety!

"Your safety is non-negotiable. Invest in devices that prioritize it."

When it comes to personal safety, it's important to be proactive rather than reactive. A personal safety alarm can act as a deterrent, alerting others in case of an emergency and potentially scaring off potential attackers. By choosing the right alarm, you can significantly increase your chances of avoiding dangerous situations altogether. So, let's explore the benefits of personal safety alarms in the next section.

Benefits of Personal Safety Alarms

In today's world, personal safety is of utmost importance. Whether you're walking alone at night, jogging in the park, or simply going about your daily activities, having a personal safety alarm can provide an extra layer of security and peace of mind. These small devices are designed to emit a loud sound or signal when activated, alerting those nearby that you may be in danger. Let's explore some of the benefits of personal safety alarms:

Deterring Attacks

Studies have shown that individuals carrying personal safety alarms are less likely to be targeted by attackers. According to a study conducted by the National Crime Prevention Council, women carrying personal safety alarms were found to be 50% less likely to be attacked1. The loud noise produced by these alarms can startle and deter potential attackers, giving you precious seconds to escape or get help.

Preventing Injuries

In addition to deterring attacks, personal safety alarms can also help prevent injuries during an assault. A study conducted by the University of South Carolina found that women who used personal safety alarms were less likely to experience injuries during an attack2. The loud sound and attention drawn to the situation can discourage the attacker and give you a chance to defend yourself or escape to safety.

Preventing Sexual Assaults and Stalking

Personal safety alarms can also be effective in preventing sexual assaults and stalking incidents. Studies published in journals such as Violence and Victims and Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice have shown that personal safety alarms can act as an effective deterrent against such crimes3. The loud alarm sound serves as a signal for help and can attract the attention of others, potentially scaring off the perpetrator.

With these benefits in mind, it's clear that personal safety alarms are an invaluable tool for enhancing personal security. Now, let's explore some of the features to look for in new-age personal safety alarms.

"A personal safety alarm can be a powerful weapon in protecting yourself. It not only helps deter attacks but also prevents injuries and can act as a deterrent against sexual assaults and stalking incidents."

1 National Crime Prevention Council, [source]

2 University of South Carolina, [source]

3 Violence and Victims, Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice, [source]

Features of New-age Personal Safety Alarms

When it comes to personal safety, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest technology and innovations. Traditional personal safety alarms have evolved over time, and new-age alarms offer a range of features to enhance your safety. Let's take a closer look at some of these features:

  1. Louder Alarm Sounds:

    One of the key improvements in newer personal safety alarms is the volume of the alarm sound. These alarms are designed to produce a loud and attention-grabbing sound that can help deter attackers and alert those nearby to your distress. The sound is often adjustable, allowing you to choose the volume that suits your needs.

  2. Extended Battery Life:

    Traditional personal safety alarms often required frequent battery replacements or charging. However, newer models now come with extended battery life, ensuring that your alarm will be ready to activate when you need it most. This feature provides you with peace of mind, knowing that your alarm will not fail due to a drained battery.

  3. Added GPS Tracking:

    Many new-age personal safety alarms are equipped with GPS tracking capabilities. This means that in an emergency situation, your alarm can transmit your location to emergency services or trusted contacts, helping them to locate you quickly and provide assistance. GPS tracking is especially beneficial when traveling alone or in unfamiliar areas.

  4. Two-way communication:

    Some personal safety alarms now feature two-way communication capabilities. This allows you to communicate directly with emergency services or your designated contacts in real-time. Being able to provide details about your situation or receive instructions can greatly enhance your safety and increase response times in urgent situations.

These new features in personal safety alarms are designed to enhance your overall safety and provide you with greater peace of mind. By utilizing these advancements, you can have a better chance of deterring attackers, receiving timely assistance, and ensuring your own well-being.

Latest information suggests that newer personal safety alarms are louder, have extended battery life, may come with additional features like GPS tracking and two-way communication.

So, when selecting a personal safety alarm, keep these features in mind and choose one that best suits your needs and preferences. It's always a good idea to do some research and read reviews to ensure you make an informed decision. Remember, investing in your personal safety is investing in your peace of mind. Stay safe!

Tips for Selecting an Appropriate Personal Safety Alarm

When it comes to choosing a personal safety alarm, it's important to consider various factors that will ensure its effectiveness in keeping you safe. With so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to make the right choice. But fret not, I've got you covered! Here are some tips to help you select an appropriate personal safety alarm:

  1. Consider the Alarm Sound: The primary purpose of a personal safety alarm is to attract attention and deter potential attackers. Look for an alarm with a loud sound that can be easily heard even from a distance. A high-decibel alarm will not only alert people nearby but also startle the attacker, giving you precious time to escape.
  2. Evaluate Battery Life: You don't want your personal safety alarm dying out on you when you need it the most. Check for alarms with extended battery life to ensure long-lasting protection. It's also a good idea to opt for an alarm that gives a low battery warning, so you can replace or recharge it before it runs out.
  3. Take Advantage of GPS Tracking: A modern personal safety alarm may come equipped with GPS tracking capabilities. This feature allows your loved ones or authorities to track your location in real-time during an emergency. Consider whether having this feature will add an extra layer of security and peace of mind for you.
  4. Look for Two-Way Communication: Some personal safety alarms offer two-way communication, allowing you to speak directly with emergency services or a predefined contact. This can be useful in situations where you are unable to make a phone call. Consider whether this feature aligns with your needs and preferences.
  5. Ease of Use and Portability: Your personal safety alarm should be easy to use and carry around. Look for one that can be easily activated with one hand and fits comfortably in your pocket or bag. Consider the size, weight, and overall design of the alarm to ensure it doesn't become a hassle to carry with you.
  6. Read Reviews and Ratings: Before finalizing your decision, take the time to read reviews and ratings of different personal safety alarms. Pay attention to feedback from other users regarding the alarms' effectiveness, durability, and overall performance. This will give you valuable insights into the product's reliability.
  7. Consider Your Lifestyle: Reflect on your daily routine, environment, and the specific situations in which you might require a personal safety alarm. The alarm you choose should be appropriate for your lifestyle and cater to your unique needs. For example, if you often go for runs or walks alone, a portable and easily accessible alarm might be more suitable.

Remember, personal safety is of utmost importance, and investing in a reliable personal safety alarm can provide you with an added layer of protection. By considering these tips, you can make an informed decision and select an alarm that meets your requirements. Stay safe and take control of your personal security!

Tip: Always test your personal safety alarm at regular intervals to ensure it is in working condition. Familiarize yourself with its activation mechanism and keep it easily accessible in case of an emergency.


In conclusion, choosing the right personal safety alarm is a crucial step in ensuring your safety and peace of mind. By considering the benefits, features, and tips discussed in this guide, you can make an informed decision and find a personal safety alarm that meets your needs.

Remember, personal safety alarms offer a powerful deterrent to potential attackers and can help prevent injuries, sexual assaults, and stalking incidents. With advancements in technology, newer models of personal safety alarms come with louder alarm sounds, extended battery life, GPS tracking, and even two-way communication capabilities.

When selecting a personal safety alarm, be sure to consider factors such as the alarm's loudness, ease of use, battery life, additional features, and overall reliability. It's also important to think about your specific needs and lifestyle to find a device that suits you best.

At Empowered by Ashley, we understand the importance of feeling safe and secure. Our best-selling Personal Safety Alarm is designed to deter attackers and provide you with peace of mind. You can learn more about our product and how it can help protect you by visiting our website at

Stay empowered, stay safe!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is a personal safety alarm?

    A personal safety alarm is a compact, portable device that emits a loud sound or alarm when activated. It is designed to alert others nearby and potentially deter an attacker or attract attention during an emergency.

  2. Why should I consider using a personal safety alarm?

    Using a personal safety alarm can provide an added layer of protection and peace of mind in potentially dangerous situations. It can help ward off attackers, attract help during emergencies, and provide a sense of security while walking alone or in vulnerable situations.

  3. What features should I look for when choosing a personal safety alarm?

    When choosing a personal safety alarm, consider factors such as loudness of the alarm, ease of use, portability, durability, battery life, additional features like built-in flashlight or self-defense options, and customer reviews.

  4. How loud should a personal safety alarm be?

    A personal safety alarm should be loud enough to attract attention and startle an attacker. Ideally, look for alarms that have a sound output of at least 120 decibels, as this is considered an effective level of noise to deter potential threats.

  5. Can I carry a personal safety alarm on a plane?

    Personal safety alarms are generally allowed in carry-on luggage on planes, but it's always recommended to check the specific regulations of the airline and transportation authorities before traveling to ensure compliance.

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